Making a home is very different than building a home.
And then you have to keep it.
“A home, if you can keep it,” Deborah Franklin explained, when
Ben gestured to a bit of embroidery
hanging in the parlor.
Category: Uncategorized
The Swallows
in time
of at least two
moments in time
Points “rest” on
and “between”
other points
between two
points in time
for window?
No, because we are
all shut-ins here.
I have windows
when I could stop up the chimney
after the swallows leave and
before they return next spring
to eat our mosquitoes.
But gentlemen-farmers
never harvest
fields to the edges.
Thanks Mississippi
for the pressure in my head.
It takes a doctor’s note
to buy Sudafed.
Responsibility of Literacy
What responsibility do the literate bear to articulate words clearly so that the illiterate will at least learn to speak correctly? How many people say “I seen” simply because someone literate mumbled “I’ve seen?”
Hypocrisy and Externalizing Self-Criticism
We frequently reserve the greatest disdain for those who openly own the sins we privately commit.
Self-Criticism and its Limits
Making a constant practice of criticizing oneself teaches one to be critical of others. Most flaws are common among men and in learning always to see your own imperfections you learn to see them in others. And then you are likely to add pride to this if the flaw you see in another is one you have found a technique to solve.
Lacroix, Poison, etc.
Saying that Lacroix sparkling water contains “roach poison” because it contains linalool, is like saying tonic water contains “malaria poison” because it contains quinine.
Styptic Wit
In his review essay of Brian Garner’s Dictionary of Modern American Usage, David Foster Wallace describes a particular critic as having a “styptic wit.” This is a wonderful expression describing what must be a wit that is capable of drying up any sanguinity in the hearer or target.
Just a heads up that I deactivated my Twitter account; I didn’t block you. Why? Pretty much the same reason I deleted my Facebook account a few years ago- it makes loving people harder. It’s my fault, not Twitter’s fault.
Performance at Cotton District Arts Festival, 4/21/2018
Set List:
- Highway 41 (original)
- You’re the Sanest Girl I Know (original)
- My Heart is a Field of Songs (original)
- Favorite Folk Singer (original)
Guitar Used: Epiphone Sheraton through Mic’d Fender 40 / Location: West Stage, Near Coconuts Gas Station, Starkville Mississippi
Everything went pretty smoothly; the sound was good and some co-workers and family were there. One of my family members had a birthday that day. The sound guy was nice. The band before me was amazing – they closed with “Whipping Post” by Allman Bros.